Sunday, November 04, 2007
I'm glad to see that film has started to take off in all sorts of ways in Cape Town's society, from numerous film festivals to a large number of restaurants/lounges/bars with digital projectors, to the new and very exciting venture by The BlackHeart Gang called "Moving Picture Experiments" (7+ 8 November 2007, 7-10pm, Clifton 4th beach, free entry). Let this continue and grow! The most tragic part of film is that it ends up in a box in a cupboard, only to be forgotten. Chat to us if you want to create your own film festival - it is both more difficult and easier than you might think! Keep the film rolling!
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who has helped along the way, everyone who has supported us in one way or another, everyone in Zula Sound Bar and Coffee Bean, all the film industry stars who are passionate about film, film makers, film viewers... it has been an amazing adventure!
And watch this space... there will be more.
alt film
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
alt film is still operating on Tuesday nights, from 7-9pm. There is still no entry fee to be paid. And yes, we are also still showing a lot more than what is written in this newsletter, just to keep things spiced up.
Situated just above the Pick’n’Pay in Main Road, this coffee shop and restaurant is also a hub of social and creative activity. Ideal for us, since alt film is an interactive platform for the medium of film, to encourage dialogue and thinking about moving images.
We wish to empower everyone involved to become more visually literate, and to cultivate an educated sense of quality with regards to the art of filmmaking.
As a launch night special, on 2 October all pizzas will be available for R25.
alt film
· The Coffee Bean, Rondebosch Village Centre (above the Pick’n’Pay), Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town
· 7-9pm every Tuesday
· Free entrance
· (To receive the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “YES PLEASE” in the subject line.
· To stop getting the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “GO AWAY” in the subject line.)
2: Zula Days Revisited
9: Ryan
16: Lost Prophets
23: Death of Pelican-16
30: Film Appreciation 101 (Episode 1: “The Beginning – Early Cinema”)
*** 2 October 2007 ***
Zula Days Revisited
For our launch session at Coffee Bean, we will be screening favourite short films from the past two and a half years of shows at Zula Sound Bar (where alt film was born, took its first steps, and crashed its first car).
*** 9 October 2007 ***
Director: Chris Landreth
Canada 2004
14 minutes (animation) + 45 minutes (doccie)
This two-part show deals with the life of Ryan Larkin, a gifted Canadian animator of the late 60’s and the early 70’s.
A true original animation genius, Ryan produced some groundbreaking work during his short career, before falling into the bottle and out of society.
The first part of the show consists of a breathtaking animated short film, with the director (Chris Landreth) interviewing Ryan in his later years.
The second part of the show is a documentary about the first part, showing the process of creating the animated masterpiece, and also shedding some light on the progress/regress of the creative genius that was Ryan Larkin.
*** 16 October 2007 ***
Lost Prophets
Directors: Dylan Valley and Sean Drummond
South Africa 2006
85 minutes
Cape Town hip-hop pioneers Prophets of da City (POC) burst onto the South African music scene in the late 80s, with a hard-hitting, Africanised brand of hip-hop. As the first rap group ever in the country, they inspired and influenced a whole new wave of local artists, and with a massive social and political focus, they quickly generated a large and dedicated fan base, locally and overseas. The very same focus, however, saw them banned in this country, and after a period of relocation overseas, the band drifted out of public view.
In 2006, UCT Film Students Sean Drummond and Dylan Valley set out to discover, ‘Where are POC, ten years later?’ Their journey took them all across the country, where they were able to spend time with former members, observing their lives today and allowing them to reminisce on past experiences, highs and lows. The result is LOST PROPHETS. The film looks back at the trajectory that catapulted a tight, clean crew to stardom, only to let them fall into relative and separate obscurity. To a pumping POC soundtrack, Ready D, Jazmo, Ramone, Gogga, Ishmael, and manager Lance Stehr, discuss the personal impact the band had ‘back in the day’.
Are friendships still intact? Which members are still riding the wave, and which have dropped out of sight? Does success come with a price? Are their lyrics still relevant? And should South Africa expect more to come from POC? Lost Prophets gives POC members a chance to offer their own answers to these questions, and many more.
Additional information:
Since re-editing and polishing the film this year (still on zero budget) the film has been to both the Apollo Film Festival and the Encounters Film Festival (Where it was rated no5 best South African film and competing with the industry standard and not other student films). Dylan and Sean now two UCT Honours graduates have started the production company Be Phat Motel in partnership with City Varsity graduates, and are working on a feature project as well as a documentary project.
*** 23 October 2007 ***
Director: Andrew White
South Africa 2004
60 minutes
Courtesy of the producer
Pelican-16 was one of eight Avro Shackleton maritime patrol aircraft commissioned by the South African Air Force in 1954. In 1993, a Shackleton enthusiast had the ambitious plan to restore one of these now decommissioned aircraft and turn it into a flying museum. The name of this aircraft: Pelican-16.
In mid 1994, after ten years on the ground and two years of restoration work this last Shackleton flew again. Following an invitation to take part in the 1994 summer air-show circuit in the UK, Pelican-16 and its crew of 19 took off from Cape Town and headed north. But then in the dead of the blackest night, high over the Western Sahara the unthinkable happened; two engines on the starboard side failed within a period of just ten minutes. The aircraft and its crew went down.
In an absorbing documentary, this remarkable story is told by the men who dared to dream. What makes this film unusual is that there are no re-creations; Real life footage was recorded by the crew as the story unfolded and together with vibrant testimonials, a crew reunion and new footage of Pelican-16’s flying replacement, Pelican-22, create a dramatic and moving story.
It is a story of courage, tenacity, professionalism and friendship which has become one of the greats in the annals of South African aviation. A central theme of the film, portrayed through the survival of the nineteen crew members, is the uncanny skill of the senior flight commander, Major Eric ‘Oompie’ Pienaar who put Pelican-16 down in the Sahara Desert in one piece, with no injury to the crew.
During the production of the film, Major Pienaar lost a long battle with cancer late 2002 and his ashes were scattered over Table Bay from the last remaining serviceable Shackleton Mk3, now resident in Cape Town. The memorial service on board, included in the closing scenes, creates a memorable and moving picture of gratitude and admiration by the crew for their fallen comrade.
*** 30 October 2007 ***
An alt film initiative! Every month we present a short class on the medium of film, covering a wide range of topics. By charting the history timeline of filmmaking, we hope to educate and foster a new sense of appreciation for this art form and also a positive reception and renewed interests in what’s happening in modern day cinema. Each class is structured around a period, movement or theme.
This series was launched in the past few months in Zula Sound Bar, but we decided to start over again in The Coffee Bean. So, starting at the beginning…
Episode 1: “The Beginning – Early Cinema”
In this class we will explore the early days of cinema, including the very first films produced in the 19th century, and also the start of filmmaking in South Africa in the early parts of the 20th century. Screenings include Georges Meliès’ sensational sci-fi called A Trip to the Moon, which featured the most inventive spaceship we’ve seen in a very long time (this film was the inspiration behind Smashing Pumpkins’ award-winning video, Tonight,tonight).
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Hi everyone,
Happy spring!
Zula will most likely continue to do film screenings, but alt film won't be there any more.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
AUGUST 2007 line-up
7/8: “Stander”
14/8: “Where Is The Love” & “Getting It On” & other short films
21/8: “The Death of Pelican-16”
28/8: Film Appreciation 101 (Lesson 3 - 1920’s Avante Garde Cinema)
and a variety of music videos and short films during every show.
(Scroll down for more about alt film)
Film descriptions
Dir: Bronwyn Hughes
SA 2003
115 mins
Courtesy of the producer
Stander is the gripping true story of the life of Andre Stander, the youngest captain in the Johannesburg Police Force and South Africa's most notorious bank robber.
Portrayed by Tom Jane (The Punisher, 61*) in a mercurial, star-turn performance, Andre Stander is a young, white policeman enjoying the comforts of middle-class married life in late-1970s South Africa, a country riven by Apartheid. Deeply affected by the indiscriminate killing he witnesses and takes part in during Riot Patrol, Stander wordlessly makes a decision to defy the very system he has spent a lifetime enforcing. Stander’s form of civil disobedience, however, takes an unusual form: a series of audacious, high-flying bank robberies, with the young officer oftentimes returning to the scene of the crime as the lead investigating officer.
Finally apprehended by his colleagues, Stander is jailed and subsequently befriends outlaws Allen Heyl and Lee McCall. Following a daring prison break, the "Stander Gang" commits dozens of bank robberies across the country, heists that grow increasingly bolder over time. In the eyes of the public, the Stander Gang's nose-thumbing disrespect for authority makes them into near-legendary folk heroes, modern-day equivalents of Bonnie and Clyde. To the South African government, however, the former police officer is a cause of embarrassment, and the Stander Gang becomes the most wanted men in the country.
Equal parts heist movie, love story, and historically accurate indictment of a corrupt political institution, Stander is the most riveting, uncanny biopic in recent history.
Film Appreciation 101
An alt film initiative! Every month we present a short class on the medium of film, covering a wide range of topics. By charting the history timeline of filmmaking, we hope to educate and foster a new sense of appreciation for this art form and also a positive reception and renewed interests in what’s happening in modern day cinema. Each class is structured around a period, movement or theme.
August 2007: Lesson 3 - 1920’s Avante Garde Cinema
The age of revolutionary cinema! At this moment in time the best cinema wasn’t happening in Hollywood, it was occurring in Denmark, Germany and various countries around the world. In this section of Film Appreciation, we look at the images that changed cinema forever - from Eisenstein’s unique editing style, better known as the montage, Wiena’s use of Chiascuro lighting, Oson Welles’ framing and focus breakthroughs, and various others. And just for added fun, we’ll show you a few modern examples of how influential these cinematic advancements really were.
Dir: Andrew White
SA 2004
60 mins
Courtesy of the producer
Pelican-16 was one of eight Avro Shackleton maritime patrol aircraft commissioned by the South African Air Force in 1954. In 1993, a Shackleton enthusiast had the ambitious plan to restore one of these now decommissioned aircraft and turn it into a flying museum. The name of this aircraft: Pelican-16.
In mid 1994, after ten years on the ground and two years of restoration work this last Shackleton flew again. Following an invitation to take part in the 1994 summer air-show circuit in the UK, Pelican-16 and its crew of 19 took off from Cape Town and headed north. But then in the dead of the blackest night, high over the Western Sahara the unthinkable happened; two engines on the starboard side failed within a period of just ten minutes. The aircraft and its crew went down.
In an absorbing documentary, this remarkable story is told by the men who dared to dream. What makes this film unusual is that there are no re-creations; Real life footage was recorded by the crew as the story unfolded and together with vibrant testimonials, a crew reunion and new footage of Pelican-16’s flying replacement, Pelican-22, create a dramatic and moving story.
It is a story of courage, tenacity, professionalism and friendship which has become one of the greats in the annals of South African aviation. A central theme of the film, portrayed through the survival of the nineteen crew members, is the uncanny skill of the senior flight commander, Major Eric ‘Oompie’ Pienaar who put Pelican-16 down in the Sahara Desert in one piece, with no injury to the crew.
During the production of the film, Major Pienaar lost a long battle with cancer late 2002 and his ashes were scattered over Table Bay from the last remaining serviceable Shackleton Mk3, now resident in Cape Town. The memorial service on board, included in the closing scenes, creates a memorable and moving picture of gratitude and admiration by the crew for their fallen comrade.
SA 2007
15 mins
Street Children of Cape Town & Innermedia
This inspiring screening involves both a music video about life on the streets of Cape Town, and a short documentary about the work done by the MylifE project.
In 2002, MylifE was born as a Section 21 Company (not for profit). The aim of MylifE is to prevent and divert young people from entering the “Cycle of Destruction” that exists on the streets, in the communities and prisons. The outcome of MylifE is emotionally, socially and economically independent young leaders and the creation of a deeper understanding of the challenges in this sector by wider society.
Dir: Mpho Osei-Tutu
SA 2006
2 mins
Courtesy of the director
In the heat of the moment, a guy and girl take a brief moment to get… protection! A short film about what can happen to you if you don’t educate yourself properly.
Best overall Short Cut – 2006 Multichoice Vuka! Awards
More about alt film
alt film is a free film screening event, at Zula Sound Bar every Tuesday. We play all kinds of interesting films to all kinds of interesting people.
alt film is an interactive and open two-way platform, available to everyone to utilise in creative ways, to encourage dialogue and thinking about moving images.
It is there for filmmakers (dazzle the audience with your work, or simply get objective feedback from the public), and it is there for the general public (see a film show that won’t cost you a cent, and get an idea of what the local film industry is doing).
We wish to empower everyone involved to become more visually literate, and to cultivate an educated sense of quality with regards to the art of filmmaking.
We want to present as many South African films as possible, so feel free to submit your film for screening in this comfortable and sociable setting, with Zula’s sound system making the difference to your experience.
Let us know what you want to see – your input may just cause spontaneous reactions.
Or just come over, sit down, and open your eyes.
The restaurant and bar provides the necessary culinary ingredients to keep your tummy happy. And if you wish to stay for some aural pleasure, Zula presents the Acoustic Sessions, a free musical jam session just after alt film.
Special thanks to:
- The people of Zula ( )
- Kelli Lakey
- Chris Roland (Ichre Media - )
- Andre White (Shortfinals Productions - )
- Mpho Osei-Tutu
alt film
Zula Sound Bar, 196 Long Street, Cape Town
7-9pm every Tuesday
Free entrance
(To receive the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “YES PLEASE” in the subject line.
To stop getting the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “GO AWAY” in the subject line.)
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
JULY 2007 line-up
10/7: White Working Class
17/7: The Future of Food
24/7: Zen & Zero, PLUS animation by the Black Heart Gang
31/7: Film Appreciation 101 (Lesson 2)
and a variety of music videos and short films during every show.
More about alt film
It is there for filmmakers (dazzle the audience with your work, or simply get objective feedback from the public), and it is there for the general public (see a film show that won’t cost you a cent, and get an idea of what the local film industry is doing).
We wish to empower everyone involved to become more visually literate, and to cultivate an educated sense of quality with regards to the art of filmmaking.
Let us know what you want to see – your input may just cause spontaneous reactions.
Or just come over, sit down, and open your eyes.
The restaurant and bar provides the necessary culinary ingredients to keep your tummy happy. And if you wish to stay for some aural pleasure, Zula presents the Acoustic Sessions, a free musical jam session just after alt film.
alt film
Zula Sound Bar, 196 Long Street,
Free entrance
(To get the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “YES PLEASE” in the subject line.
To stop getting the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “GO AWAY” in the subject line.)
Special thanks to:
- Vusa, Grant and the rest of the Zula team
- Zivia Desai Keiper (Tri-Continental Film Festival)
- Derek Serra (Controversi Films)
- Charmaine, Luanne and Adrian (SAFeAGE)
SA 2006
48 mins
Courtesy of the director
Producer/director Derek Antonio Serra is a fiercely independent filmmaker, who owns his own HD cameras and edit suites, which enables him to make films outside of the "SABC commissioning censorship machine." He has produced and directed 10 documentaries in 10 years on budgets ranging from R 200 000 to R 2000 often using a guerrilla-style approach to filmmaking. Derek is considered a technical expert on low-budget digital production, and has offered HDV Masterclasses at the Sithengi Talent Campus and Zambian Film Festival on several occasions, as well as free Digital Production Workshops countrywide.
US 2004
88 mins
(Screening will be followed by an audience discussion)
After the movie we will have a discussion about GM Foods in
Austria 2006
61 mins, Subtitled
Courtesy of the Tri-Continental Film Festival
In this class we will explore the early days of cinema, including the very first films produced in the 18th century, and also the start of filmmaking in
Latest news: We will screen JUMP THE GUN, courtesy of the producer and Ochre Media.
Still focusing on the evolution of early cinema, this week’s lesson will take a look at the silent classics, and stylistic innovations of that era. From the zany, heyday antics of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton to breathtaking German Expressionism to the extraordinary technique of Surrealism in film, these images formed a vital part of the collective consciousness and style within modern cinema. Screening includes clips from German Expressionism classic, The Cabinet of Dr Caligri (which was the influence behind a Red Hot Chili Peppers music video), Chaplin’s The Great Dictator, Louis Bunuel and Salvador Dali’s masterpiece, Un Chien Andalou and a few other surprises.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
…and alt film is back. Now on Tuesdays!
June 2007 line-up
12/6: Outlawed & Hamas Behind the Mask
19/6: Loose Change (screening will be followed by an audience discussion)
26/6: Film Appreciation 101 (Part 1) & a South African cinema classic
plus a variety of music videos and short films during every show.
(Scroll down for more details of the films)
More about alt film
alt film is a free regular film screening event, at Zula Sound Bar. We play all kinds of interesting films to all kinds of interesting people.
A very wide variety of films, ranging from animation to documentaries to student short films to old school classics. And an equally varied audience, from the players in the film industry to tourists to musicians to students.
With a solid two-year track record of Sunday night shows, alt film is now moving to its new timeslot of 7-9pm every Tuesday night.
alt film is an interactive and open two-way platform, available to everyone to utilise in creative ways, to encourage dialogue and thinking about moving images.
It is there for filmmakers (dazzle the audience with your work, or simply get objective feedback from the public), and it is there for the general public (see a film show that won’t cost you a cent, and get an idea of what the local film industry is doing).
We wish to empower everyone involved to become more visually literate, and to cultivate an educated sense of quality with regards to the art of filmmaking.
We want to present as many South African films as possible, so feel free to submit your film for screening in this comfortable and sociable setting, with Zula’s sound system making the difference to your experience.
Let us know what you want to see – your input may just cause spontaneous reactions. Or just come over, sit down, and open your eyes.
The restaurant and bar provides the necessary culinary ingredients to keep your tummy happy. And if you wish to stay for some aural pleasure, Zula presents the Acoustic Sessions, a free musical jam session just after alt film.
alt film
Zula Sound Bar, 196 Long Street, Cape Town
7-9pm every Tuesday
No entry fee
(To get the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “YES PLEASE” in the subject line.
To stop getting the alt film newsletters, send us an email with “GO AWAY” in the subject line.)
Special thanks to:
* Vusa, Grant and the rest of the Zula team
* Zivia Desai Keiper (Tri-Continental Film Festival)
* Rustum August
Film descriptions
OUTLAWED: Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the “War on Terror”
Dir: WITNESS (Produced in conjunction with 14 global NGOs)
US 2006
27 mins
Courtesy of Tri-Continental Film Festival
Outlawed: Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the “War on Terror,” features the testimony of Khaled El-Masri and Binyam Mohamed, two men seized in the renditions program, who have suffered abuses at the hands of US government and at least four other governments in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Co-produced by a coalition of 14 human rights groups in the US and Europe, Outlawed presents the real life consequences of the U.S. government’s disregard for international legal instruments dealing with respect for fundamental rights.
It makes an outstanding contribution to the current international debate about renditions and secret detentions and features commentary from Louise Arbour, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael Scheuer, the chief architect of the rendition program and former head of the Osama Bin Laden unit at the CIA, Condoleezza Rice, and President George W.Bush.
Hamas Behind the Mask
Dir: Shelley Saywell
Canada/Palestine 2005
50 mins, Subtitled
Courtesy of Tri-Continental Film Festival
Hamas Behind the Mask is a journey inside one of the world’s most secretive and controversial political organizations. It documents the transition period during which Hamas is entering the political arena.
Interviews with leaders in hiding, militants and activists are juxtaposed with Israeli experts and victims, as the film examines how Hamas turned the once secular struggle for Palestine into a religiously motivated Jihad. What emerges is a portrait of a starkly resilient group.
Hamas Behind the Mask is a look at the people behind the stereotypical terrorist mask, who have become a major force in shaping the future of a Palestinian state and putting an end to the enduring conflict in the Middle East.
Loose Change
Dir: Dylan Avery
US 2006
80 mins
(Screening will be followed by an audience discussion)
Loose Change is a documentary film that presents evidence for a 9/11 conspiracy theory, arguing that elements within the United States government planned and executed the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The film was widely distributed via the Internet.
The accuracy and fairness of Loose Change has been disputed by the counter-video “Screw Loose Change”, “Popular Mechanics”, media outlets and independent researchers. On September 11, 2006 Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas appeared on "Democracy Now! the War and Peace Report", to debate James Meigs and David Dunbar, two editors of “Popular Mechanics” and the book “Debunking 9/11 Myths”.
The film was edited and then re-released in a second edition, then recut again. A further "final cut" version was originally planned for release on September 11 2006, but was delayed and is now pushed back to "the weekend preceding September 11th 2007.".
Film Appreciation 101
An alt film initiative! Every month we present a short class on the medium of film, covering a wide range of topics. By charting the history timeline of filmmaking, we hope to educate and foster a new sense of appreciation for this art form and also a positive reception and renewed interests in what’s happening in modern day cinema. Each class is structured around a period, movement or theme.
June 2007: Lesson 1: “The Beginning – Early Cinema”
In this class we will explore the early days of cinema, including the very first films produced in the 18th century, and also the start of filmmaking in South Africa in the early parts of the 19th century. Screenings include the first 24 frames ever captured by the Lumiere Brothers (a train going through a tunnel...bear with us, it gets better...) and Georges Meliès’ sensational sci-fi called A Trip to the Moon, which featured the most inventive spaceship we’ve seen in a very long time (this film was the inspiration behind Smashing Pumpkins’ award-winning video, Tonight,tonight).
Before Yesterday, before Tsotsi, and even before Mr Bones, South African cinema has been at the forefront of filmmaking on the continent. As a bonus feature, alt film takes you back to the times of SA screen heroes, the likes of Jamie Uys (contentious subject matter...never the less) and Katinka Heyns, by screening a truly South African cinema classic directly after the class.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
alt film will be out of circulation, with immediate effect, until August 2007. This follows from a decision by our host, Zula Sound Bar, to not open shop on Sundays during winter, due to low attendance numbers over the past few weeks.
We will attempt to find an alternative venue for alt film in the meantime, and attempt to keep the show running during the next few months, until the numbers pick up again at Zula. However, there isn't a new home for alt film yet, so until further notice we will not do any screenings.
Thank you to everyone who's helped us with contributions, assistance and attendance over the past two years, it has been an amazing adventure so far!
Until later,
alt film
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
With no doubt left about summer being over, we are glad to bring to you a selection of longer films in May for you to warm up to.
During the first three weeks we will be screening documentaries from the 2006 Tri-Continental Film Festival, dealing with a number of socio-economical topics.
For the last Sunday of May we have a delightfully freaky scary film for you to bite your nails to – the 1994 version of La Machine.
And in all four May screenings there will be a healthy dose of short films to keep you entertained.
A big Thank You to:
Everyone at Zula Sound Bar
Zivia Desai Keiper (Tri-Continental Film Festival – )
Zula Sound Bar at 194 Long Street, Cape Town, South Africa
7-9 pm every Sunday
Free entry
Warm and cold drinks provided by the bar, and food by the restaurant
see you there!
alt film
alt film was established to collect and screen* film being made by creative South Africans today, as well as work that most powerfully incorporates and describes the inevitable evolution of the medium.
ps if you know someone who wants to receive this info in a monthly newsletters, let them send us an email to with “YES PLEASE!” in the subject line.
The short version: May 2007
6 May: Bushman’s Secret (Doccie)
13 May: Favela Rising (Doccie)
20 May: Mardi Gras: Made in China (Doccie)
27 May: La Machine (Thriller)
6 May 2007
Dir: Rehad Desai
South Africa 2006
64 mins
When South African filmmaker Rehad Desai travels to the Kalahari to investigate global interest in ancient Bushmen knowledge, he meets Jan van der Westhuizen, a fasctinating Khomani San traditional healer.
Jan’s struggle to live close to nature is hampered by centuries of colonial exploitation of the San Bushmen and of their land. Unable to hunt and gather, the Khomani now live in a state of poverty that threatens to see the last of this community forever.
One plant could make all the difference. Hoodia, a cactus used by Bushmen for centuries, has caught the attention of a giant pharmaceutical company. It now stands to decide the fate of the Khomani San.
Bushman’s Secret features breathtaking footage of the Kalahari landscape, and exposes us to a world where modernity collides with ancient ways, at a time when each has, strangely, come to rely on the other.
13 May 2007
Dirs: Matt Mochary and Jeff Zimbalist
USA/Brazil 2005
80 mins
Favela Rising documents a man and a movement, a city divided and a favela united. Haunted by an infamous police massacre in his community in one of Rio de Janeiro’s most violent slums, and sick of the perpetual violence that plagues his people, former drug-trafficker, Anderson Sá, turns social revolutionary.
Through music, the rhythms of the street, and Afro-Brazilian dance he rallies the community of Vigário Geral, to counteract the violent oppression enforced by teenage drug armies and sustained by corrupt police, and forges a movement that brings hope to the ghettos and its forgotten youth.
But just as collective mobility is overcoming all odds and Anderson’s grassroots Afro Reggae movement is at the height of its success, a tragic event threatens to silence the movement forever.
Favela Rising shows how the music and culture of Brazil's underclass transform into a catalyst for grassroots social change.
New York Latino Film Festival, 2005 – Best Documentary
Cinema Paradise Film Festival, 2005 – Best Documentary
Woodstock Film Festival, 2005 – Best Editing
Tulipanes Latino Art and Film Festival, 2005 – Best of Show
Roxbury Film Festival, 2005 – Audience Favourite Award
Sidewalk Moving Pictures Festival – 2005 – Audience Choice Award
20 May 2007
Dir: David Redmon
USA 2005
74 mins
Mardi Gras: Made in China follows the "bead trail" from the factory in China to Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras, poignantly exposing the inequities of globalization.
First-time director David Redmon cleverly illuminates the clash of cultures by juxtaposing American excess and consumer ignorance against the harsh life of the Chinese factory worker. The film confronts both cultural and economic globalism by humanizing the commodity chain from China to the United States.
Redmon follows the stories of four teenage women workers in the largest Mardi Gras bead factory in the world, providing insights into their economic realities, their self-sacrifice, and dreams of a better life, and the severe discipline imposed by living and working in a factory compound.
Interweaving factory life with Mardi Gras festivities, the film opens the blind eye of consumerism by visually introducing workers and festival-goers to each other.
27 May 2007
La Machine
Dir: François Dupeyron
France 1994
96 mins
Marc Lacroix (Gérard Depardieu) is a psychiatrist, a student of the brain, with a rocky marriage, a mistress, and a ten-year-old son. He also has a secret laboratory where he's built a machine he thinks will allow him to penetrate the mind of any person hooked up to the machine with him. He tests it with Zyto, a psychopath who has killed three women. The machine fails and exchanges the men's brains. Zyto passes himself off as Marc, and Marc (now in Zyto's body) escapes from the asylum to the flat of his mistress. She tries to warn Marc's wife, exposing herself to Zyto. All are now in grave danger. Can Lacroix find a way to get Zyto back to the machine before irreversible damage is done?
John Woo directed a fantastic little masterpiece a few years later, called "Face/off" in Hollywood, with some obvious resemblances in the plot.
Saturday, April 28, 2007

I had the awesome pleasure to workshop with Elliot Grove the founder and director of the Raindance Film Festival. And there is befokte(awesome) things happening in the world of film. Also Raindance is open for enteries for 2007/8.
Dont be shy give it a try ....Best of luck Jinn Manson
And if u havent yet heard of JOOST check it out, a film maker and lovers playground on broadband.
stay in fast track.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
check it out

With the days getting shorter and the nights colder, it's clear that we're heading straight towards the Alt Film Winter Sessions. More news in the May 2007 newsletter, but suffice it to say that there will be a whole batch of longer films and documentaries on the menu, including films from the 2006 Tri-Continental Film Festival.
We start April with a bang, in the form of the DVD and CD launch party of "Mr. Devious – My Life". Respect. Come along to learn from and about the man, Devious. Expect a large crowd. A very hip-hop crowd. And the press. The film screening will precede a night of music, with tribute performances by Natalie van Rooy, Blaq Pearl, Ace, Strategist & Troy, with DJ Eon on the decks. Not to mention the extra appearances and spontaneous entertainment!
Since X-CAPE is already with us, herewith a short description of what it is:
X- CAPE was initiated by the CAPE Africa Platform (CAPE) in 2006. As of January 2007, the coordination of X-CAPE has been managed in partnership with VANSA (Visual Arts Network of South Africa). X-CAPE is an artist-led programme of activities by artists and cultural practitioners from across Cape Town and South Africa to coincide with the CAPE 2007 art event from 24 March – 02 May, 2007.
alt film will be hosting the film screening aspect of this extended exhibition in April. Details about the films appear further down in this newsletter, and more info on X-CAPE is available at
Note that we're adding a doccie about comic books and the superheroes themselves in April – a great chance to see the people and artists behind characters like Superman and Spiderman.
And ending the April screenings is a night of student film, provided by AFDA.
A big Thank You to our contributors:
- John Fredericks (4 Wall Films)
- Martina Della Togna ( Rainbow Circle Films)
- Rob Robson & Moa Lindh ( X-CAPE), as well as all the X-CAPE participants
- Peter Adolphs (AFDA)
- Dale Yudelman
Zula Sound Bar at 194 Long Street ,
Cape Town , South Africa
7-9 pm every Sunday
Free entry
Cold and warm drinks provided by the bar,
and food by the restaurant
see you there!
alt film team
Alt film was established to collect and screen* film being made by creative South Africans today, as well as work that most powerfully incorporates and describes the inevitable evolution of the medium.
· ps if you don't want to receive these newsletters, simply reply with "go away and stay away" in the subject line, and we'll leave your inbox alone. promise.
The short version: April 2007
1 April: Mr Devious – My Life (DVD & CD launch)
8 April: X-CAPE (Drama & comedy short films)
15 April: X-CAPE (A variety of short films)
22 April: Spyder-Man: Once Upon a Time the Heroes (doccie)
29 April: AFDA student films
1 April 2007
This evening is dedicated to the screening of the documentary about Devious, as well as musical tribute performances to this icon. Therefore the normal flow of alt film will be modified to combine the film screening with further events, including a Q&A session after the film, as well as live hip-hop acts, DJ's and more.
Mr Devious – My Life (DVD & CD launch)
Dir: John Fredericks
Duration: 48 min
SA 2007
"Mr Devious – my life" is the uplifting story of a talented son of Mitchell's Plain, South Africa, Mario van Rooy a.k.a "Mr Devious", who used his gift for music to inspire young people to rise above the stigma of poverty & gangsterism.
Mr Devious, an up and coming young South African hip-hop emcee tells his own story in this documentary film about his life. We track the journey from his humble beginnings as a kid in the Cape Flats to his rise to fame as a musician and hip hop artist, and later as he grows into the roles of dedicated father of two daughters, and educator and facilitator of youth at risk.
"My parents did not want to raise a gangster so we moved here to Mitchell's Plain which was a suburb at that time," Devious' voice enlightens the viewer over footage of Beacon Valley.
Monotonous rows of drab houses straddle the streets. Washing flutter in the breeze between the graffiti scrawled blocks of flats. Poverty and unemployment is rife and is evident by the scores of young people hanging around street corners as Devious continues his narration of the dynamics of the area. We capture the eerie stillness and underlying evil as the locals stare at the camera in avarice.
Ready D, Shamiema from Godessa and Shahien from Prophets of the City, share their insight as the talent of Mr. Devious rises to the attention of the music industry.
Mr Devious relates to us how he was offered a record deal if he in exchange would leave his wife and daughter behind. Realizing the record executives wanted to play God with his life he refuses to compromise and returns home, hooks up with his buddies and they record their own albums.
Reaching out to the youth and the community, inspiring them to take charge of their lives. Fiery and passionate he takes on the role of the spokesperson of his people. His lyrics are about every kind of injustices that his people have to endure, from aids, drugs, gangs, violence, social and juvenile justice. Mr Devious makes his voice heard, and becomes the Che Guevara of the Cape Flats who believed in Justice for all.
"Look at it now, you can't get away from it and you ask yourself why a ghetto. Things are much deeper than you think".
On the 23rd of January 2004, Mario died violently at the hands of a small group of gang members, the very same kind of youth that he dedicated his life's work to. In the end he died with colours flying as he made the ultimate sacrifice defending his dad who was being stabbed and robbed, leaving behind his wife Natalie, his two young daughters and an unborn child.
When Mario is killed it seems all hope is lost, but out of the darkness a strong voice emerges, as Natalie van Rooy, his wife and mother of his children picks up his spear, and makes meaning of his legacy.
The filmmakers present an honest deeply thought-through film that reflects the passionate life, death and legacy of Mr. Devious, an Icon of the Cape Flats and South Africa.
8 April 2007
Post Mortem 2010
Dir: Dale Yudelman
Duration: 5 min
SA 2006
During a morning talk show on a leading national radio station SAFM - three South Africans – Fanie, Robert and Angela call in to voice their opinion on the news of South Africa winning the Soccer World Cup 2010 bid.
What emerges is an unselfconscious social portrait as conversations illuminate some of the misgivings, old fears and hidden agendas that lurk within. Yet in spite of prejudice – an innocent and bold optimism reveals itself in the passionate way South Africans participate and relate to matters of national pride.
X-CAPE: Film Showcase by Citibird Creative Arts
Dir: Sandie Banda
Duration: 90 min
A selection of short films that use both drama and comedy to explore everything from HIV/AIDS, jealousy, hypocrisy and adultery, to blessings in disguise, golden secrets and more.
Their aim is to educate, entertain and enlighten the audience to take pride in positive living.
Includes the drama and comedy films The extreme, I don't know, Time for Everything, Out of order, Reaction, Tipex, Mundali, Tear and original colours & Complexities of Love Part I.
15 April 2007
X-CAPE: Various short films
Confessions of an Altered Boy
Anthony Sloan
Duration: 30 min
SA 2006
This film is essentially a filmed record of the recording of an Audio Drama (in the tradition of the Radio Dramas of the last century). It aims to express concerns, demonstrate possibilities, and create an experience of changing perceptions toward learning, teaching and being.
The filming and recording took place at the African Media Matrix building's television studios. Therefore the viewer gets the unique chance to see the faces behind the voices of the Audio Drama.
This film screenings links up with the Audio Drama session at the Labia on Saturday 21 April (also part of X-CAPE).
The Journey to Freedom Narrative
Dir: Gwen Miller
Duration: 30 min
Storytelling for reconciliation : Initially created for the 2004 National Celebrations of 10 Years of Democracy, this multimedia work combines animation, choir music and embroidered images to explore memory and the (re)making of history, while seeking routes towards healing and empowerment.
The ZET one-minute videos
Alite Thijsen
Duration: 60 seconds per video, 30 min total
Time may be limited, by certainly creativity isn't. These 60 second works by artists from across Africa combine sharp editing, contemporary visual language and traditional techniques. Created during workshops in Morocco, these short films relate to the process of globalization, economic and cultural relations.
I am an African
Dirs: Sonja Rademeyer & Assane Sar
Duration: 7 min
This collaborative work between Assane Sar (West Africa) and Sonya Rademeyer (South Africa) explores exchange - not only between individuals, but also across cultures and religions. The film comments on the artist's own identity within the African continent, what it means to be white and African.
X-CAPE after alt film ( 9pm onwards)
Not waving but drowning by Citibird Creative Arts:
Inspired by the famous Stevie Smith poem, this play offers a winsome yet devastating exploration into contemporary society.
22 April 2007
Spyder-Man: Once Upon a Time the Heroes
Dir: Michel Viotte
Duration: 100 min
France/Canada 2002
A detailed documentary about graphic novels, such as the Marvel comic books.
The film contains many interviews with the graphic artists themselves, discussing the history, the artists, the techniques, and the stories behind the stories of characters such as Spider-Man, Superman, the Silver Surfer and many more.
X-CAPE after alt film ( 9pm onwards)
Comedy Showcase by Citibird Creative Arts:
One and two man comedy acts that take the audience to various levels of laughter, while sending a message of love and unity.
29 April 2007
AFDA Student Films 2006
Nearly 80 minutes of student short films:
Charioteer (Alexander Alaka) – Fictional animation
Bottled (Siphiwo Sobopha) – Animation (including stop-motion)
Bitter Sweet (Daniel McArthur) – Animation
Lights Out (Clinton Jones) – 3D animation
Wearing my Mother's Genes (Fiela Jonck) – Drama
Hollywood in my Huis (Corne van Rooyen) – Comic drama
Together Alone (Riodan Allen) – Drama
Iziko (Paul M Cuba) - Drama
X-CAPE after alt film ( 9pm onwards)
Without a Kiss by Citibird Creative Arts:
An intimate love story that explores interpersonal relationships, abuse, as well as social and gender inequality.